Written by Krystal Weir BScSport, MPhty MSportsPhysio

The number one question I am asked as I bump into sailors in the boat park. “What do I do about my back pain” or “how do I make sure I don’t end up with back pain when sailing.

In this edition of K2 Corner lets first talk about what to do if you currently have backpain. To keep a very complicated topic simple, we need to work out is it due to lack of mobility, strength or a combination? Or is it due to the boat itself?

  • what can I do physically for myself?
    • Mobility
    • Strengthen
    • Combination of both
  • what aspects are environmental?
    • Boat setup
    • My position on the boat

Your lumbar spine is affected by your mid back and your hips.  A couple of quick tests can help to work out which areas of your body are affecting your lumbar spine. If these movements cause severe pain or discomfort please speak with a qualified health professional to give you individualised guidance.

Quick Screens for mobility


  • Hip switches: can I switch my hips 90° Right and Left

Mid Back

  • Can I lye on my sidekeeping my knees together and rotate my upper body?


  • Can I lye on my back and rotate my knees and touch the ground right and left?
  • Can I hug my knees to my chest?


Strengthening is a blog article in itself so we will leave this for another time. For now let’s touch on some specific sailing points. Such as what is your role on the boat and what does this mean for your back?

This role requires you to sit in a sustained posture for extended periods of time. Usually seated on the side of the boat with your upper body rotated looked forward and knees faces across the boat.

It could be as simple as angling your lower body forward towards the bow to unload the rotation in your lower back. It is also worth mentioning a foot plate/ rails on the floor to help level out your hips when the boat is at it optimum heel.

In addition, mixing up your positions on the boat from standing to sitting can also help unload this static posture.

The two main problems that crewman face is when getting up and down from the grab rails and also sheeting in the sails when under load. Positioning your body to face forward towards the grab rail or positioning it facing towards the winch can help when asking your body to move under load. Also it is important to draw in your core when trimming under heavy loads.

I hope this small articles helps sailors to start thinking about performance of not only the boat but also their bodies.  For more information or if you would like me to answer more specific questions in K2 Corner. Please send your questions to info@k2health.com.au. Pilates &/or a Strength training program can also help to get your body in shape so you can focus more on your sailing.

Happy Yachting

Krystal Weir
BScSport, MPhty MSportsPhysio

K2 Health

Photo Credit- Physitrac & the Etchell class